Lili Rangel-Parra is working in MBL Associate Scientist Loretta Roberson's lab this summer.
Lili Rangel-Parra is working in MBL Associate Scientist Loretta Roberson's lab this summer.

Two undergraduate researchers at MBL this summer, Lili Rangel-Parra of Appalachian State University and William Ramos of University of Chicago, and graduate student researcher Loranzie Rogers of University of Minnesota, Duluth, are profiled in The Falmouth Enterprise.

Every summer, students come to the Marine Biological Laboratory and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to research with renowned scientists from all over the world. This summer, the MBL has 55 undergraduate students and 53 graduate students conducting research. There are more than 200 students at WHOI through the joint program with MIT and as Summer Student Fellows and guest students.

They come to Woods Hole with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Read more of the article here.

Source: Students Bring Fresh Perspective To WHOI And MBL | Falmouth News |