The Marine Biological Laboratory is "one of the few places where you can see octopuses hatching from the egg," as shown in this clip from "Octopus: Making Contact," a Nature/PBS documentary that premiered on Oct. 2. Bret Grasse, MBL's manager of cephalopod operations, appears earlier in the episode, along with some of the more flamboyant octopus and squid species he nurtures and raises at MBL. The full episode is available to download. See clip here.

An octopus emerges from an egg in the MBL's Cephalopod Mariculture facility in this screenshot from "Octopus: Making Contact."
An octopus emerges from an egg in the MBL's Cephalopod Mariculture facility in this screenshot from "Octopus: Making Contact."

Source: Baby Cephalopods’ First Moments | Nature | PBS