When the influential A. Murat Eren (Meren) decided to offer an online beginners' course on microbes and computational ways to study them, the responsive was explosive: 2,000 people registered in the first 24 hours. With creative planning using both Zoom and YouTube, Meren's team found a way for all to interactively participate. Meren is an MBL fellow and assistant professor at University of Chicago. 

So what would an Alexander Hamilton-type dropped into the computer age look like?

Maybe something like A. Murat Eren, PhD, better known as Meren.

From a boyhood in the Barhal Valley of mountainous northeastern Turkey to the University of Chicago, this young scientist has become a leading proselytizer about the immense impact of microbes on our bodies and the environments we share. He is engaging people around the globe in ideas that stand to turn the world of microbiology upside down.

His journey — as unlikely as A-dot-Ham’s and fueled by the same kind of restless intelligence, enthusiasm and energy — is inspiring a new generation of scientists. Read more of the article here.

Medicine on the Midway is a publication for alumni, faculty, students and friends of the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division and Pritzker School of Medicine.