The Newest Lab Rat Has Eight Arms | Hakai Magazine

MBL Scientists are attempting to master the art of culturing cephalopods, including these flamboyant cuttlefish embryos, as they develop a new marine model organism. Photo by Tom Kleindinst/Marine Biological Laboratory

Move over mice and fruit flies, the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, is busy developing the next great model organism for science.

Just past a “squid sign-out” sheet, on the ground floor of a stately brick building at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a handful of people in lab coats shimmy between rows of microwave-sized tanks. They check water quality, administer food, jot down notes, and otherwise go about the business of transforming the landscape of marine biological research. Read more of the article here.

Source: The Newest Lab Rat Has Eight Arms | Hakai Magazine