MBL Director Nipam Patel took his passion for teaching into the MBL Physiology course this year, showing the students advanced techniques for imaging a new life as it unfolds (as he has done for 19 years – and running! -- in the MBL Embryology course). One of the students who leapt at the chance to visualize early development was Davis Laundon, who captured these beautiful images in butterflies with Patel’s guidance.

“Normally, I am a marine microbiologist who only works with single-celled organisms,” Laundon says, “so I chose to do my research rotation with Nipam to get out of my comfort zone and study cellular movement and organization in an animal tissue - in this case, ovarian follicle development in butterflies.” Laundon, who is spending his first summer at MBL, is a Ph.D. candidate based at the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom in Plymouth, U.K.

