A while back I posted scans of some seminars from a while back and I thought I would restart this activity (which I call retroblogging).  I (and I hope some others) find it really interesting to go back and see what people were talking about 10, 20, or more years ago. 

So here is one for today – notes from a few talks by Mitch Sogin (MBL Distinguished Scientist).  Mitch had a big influence on me since I learned a lot about rRNA gene sequencing and PCR from him both directly and indirectly when I was an undergraduate researcher in Colleen Cavanaugh’s lab.  For example, I read and re-read the Medlin et al. paper of his and even carried that paper with me until, well, today.  I just found it in a folder where I found notes from some of Mitch’s talks. Read more of the article here.

Source: Retroblogging 1990s Seminars by Mitch Sogin on rRNA Gene Sequencing & Eukaryotic Diversity | microBEnet